Wednesday, March 23, 2011

new project

I want to make a bunny hat and shorts with a bunny tail...
here we go!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


We are out of the hospital.  Jack is doing much better!  Praise the Lord!
The nurse came in the next day and held my hand while she sobbed, she told me she couldn't sleep all night she felt so horrible for what had happened to Jack.  That was nice of her to come back, she didn't have to.

So besides the continuance of mystery meat, the rest of our stay was pleasant.  The kind of left us alone, i told them they couldn't just take him while he was sleeping, that he wasn't sleeping enough so not to wake him and they stopped.  I started weighing him myself and doing his temp, etc.  They just left us alone and gave me a chart to monitor him.  It was nice.  The doctor was terrific, he gave us new Vitamin D that Jack won't spit up, and said that he probably cries because i pick him up so often, that he should self soothe.  That i should just sit next to him, talk to him or read and then reward him by holding him when he soothes himself.  That he doesn't need to be held to let out a little gas... I just can't resist the poor boy!  This will be a challenge...

Oh, just for your entertainment let's play


The picture doesn't do this justice, the meatballs were almost WHITE!

I ate vegetables and bread for the three days i was there. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3 months (a little late)

Dearest Jack,

I don't like you growing so fast, will you please stop?  Your dad and i cannot believe how fast you have grown, you are now 12.5 lbs, a long way from your birth weight!  You sit up, try and do crunches, stand, roll over and try and talk all the time.  You are so interactive now!  You always look around and soak everything in, you are going to be SO smart! :)

I love watching you all the time, i love hearing your little voice, i love that your smile is so huge now!  I love when you pump your arms and your legs at the same time like you are ecstatic about something, i love that you know you have me wrapped around your little finger.  I love that you look for me when others are holding you.  I love you my little boy, i just can't get enough of you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

German ick

So i already complained about fasching, the side you don't know is that Jack has been sick for the past two weeks and was crying in the car when the little boy told me i couldn't go home until the parade was over.  The parade that hadn't started yet.  When Nick pulled up next to me we decided we would at least try and enjoy the parade.  Jack was dressed and bundled up in his stroller/car seat with his fleece sleeping bag thingy... PLENTY warm.  In fact his head was hot.  Then the german lady comes up to me and says "this no good, he get sick."  I said "Yes ma'am we hadn't planned on bringing our son out, but we are not being allowed to get home at the moment."  ugh...
NEXT... this is now Monday.  Jack is crying all day inconsolable.  He doesn't have any wet diapers RED FLAG so i take him to the ER.  Well apparently fasching also cuts down the manning at hospitals.  Wonderful.  It took 4 hours to be seen and there was 1 person in front of us.  After a nurse walked by screaming baby Jack a few times she finally said "I will go FIND a doctor".  We were then admitted....
fast forward a bit...
Jack now has an IV in his head.  I was told i need a nurse to WATCH ME feed my son while at the hospital so i call a nurse... she doesn't understand me (i know it is my fault too for not knowing German but i am frustrated so let me vent please) she grabs Jack and proceeds to walk away... where she was going i dont know.  HIS IV IS IN HIS HEAD, she did not take the stand.  Instead the stand hit my bed YANKING my sons head back and the IV out of his poor little head.  Blood starts going everywhere, i start balling, she yells SHIZA (a bad word) and walks out of the room.


I am balling, Jack is balling, i bow my head and PRAY that Nick will walk in at any second and hold us.  I look up, Nick is standing there.
Thank you.

AND the food stinks, AND when the nurses come in they don't knock and the lift up my covers, uh hello... anywho i am just ... ick, i want to be in America.  Right now.