Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our baby

So here is the story:
On Wednesday the 1st of December i was scheduled for the ECV (the turning) of our breech baby boy.
Nick and i had researched this quite a bit and below you can see that i posted a video of one.  The baby would be monitored before the procedure, throughout and overnight in the hospital to ensure that his heart rate didn't drop or he didn't go in to fetal distress from the procedure.  Either of these would cause use to go have an emergency cesarian section.  An option i was okay with because they didn't suggest i deliver vaginally anyway.  (5.5-7 pounds is okay to try and deliver... they thought he was 7) 

SO... we get there at 8:30 and start in-processing the hospital, they have me talk to the anesthesiologist and all of the doctors/nurses involved with either a c-section or the ECV.  They all tell me all of the risks involved (not fun), and ALL of them say, "and if this doesn't work we will schedule your c-section." oh joy.  This was the one thing i was trying to avoid this whole pregnancy!  lol  God works in mysterious ways.  :)
So, by the time 2 o'clock came around i was dressed for a c-section (just in case) and wheeled into the room where they would try and turn the baby.  The hooked up my IV to some medicine that was supposed to stop my contractions and some pain meds... they didn't switch it on.  Good job folks!  :)  Oh well, again everything worked out.  

THIS PROCEDURE WAS SOOO PAINFUL.  I was straight arching my back, it hurt so bad.  The doctors palms were literally in my pelvic bone with all his might pushing.  OUCH KA POUCH!  He was able to turn the baby half way so he was laying sideways in my belly, but then Jack just went back, and he couldn't get him to do a full 180 anyway.  At this point my supportive and loving husband says to me "I am sorry..."  i look at him to tell him it's not his fault only to see the back of his head sliding down toward the floor.  My poor husband passed out.  I knew he didn't do well seeing me in pain, but it was kind of a running joke that i was worried he might pass out during birth.  OH DEAR.

At this point, i was in incredible pain and the doctor said i COULD wait a week and see if he turned on his own or if he was ready to come and possibly still under the weight requirement, or i could go in for the c-section right now.  We opted to do that, after all the pain of the turn i don't know that i could handle trying to push the baby out only to be told that we needed a c-section anyway.  We were ready and dressed for it, and it was safer for the baby to do it this way, so 15 minutes later Nick was holding our baby boy.  

Born at 3:51 p.m. on December 1st.  He was 6 pounds 8 ounces, and 20 inches long.  He is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen.

So i am antsy, through this whole pregnancy i have been.  Antsy to find out the sex and antsy to see him.  NOTHING WAS WORSE than waiting 2 hours, knowing my husband and baby were upstairs gazing at each other, while i was sitting down stairs waiting.  They said i could go when i could feel my legs again, so i lied... "yeah, the feeling is coming back" i said, then the nurse asked me to lift one of my legs... way to call my bluff!  STINKER!  :)  

Oh well, we are all healing and happy and enjoying being a family now.  :)
p.s. it was snowing SO beautifully on his birthday, everything was perfect.

I love my little boy, end of story!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Want a good laugh?

So here we are, 37 weeks.  
We are the 4% of the population carrying around this baby as...
our baby is still in a breech position.
I am still determined (or stubborn) to deliver this baby avoiding a c-section.  
I am finally coming to grips with the fact that i may have to have this c-section but am trying anything to turn this baby or deliver before that is my only option.  

Nick looked up ways to turn the baby before my scheduled EVC come Wednesday and here is what we found:

Want a good laugh, check it out!
So... now i leave you to go put clothes pins on my toes and walk around.
(just kidding)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Girly things

A friend of ours is having a little girl, so for the shower i got the URGE to make girly things.  Mainly because i can't.  Here is what we ended up with:
A monogrammed Boppy cover for Madison

What should be a scottie dog stuffed animal

And a heart beanie in sherbet colors because i think they are fun!  :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

First things first

I need to clean the house and make dinners for the rest of the week,
This is what i did this weekend while Nick was studying:
Dinosaur beanie and booties

2 Apple Beanies

2 Santa Sleep caps
I can't wait until Jack can wear these!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


for my Christmas baby!
I am on a hat kick at the moment, i have made two apple beanies and 2 pumpkin beanies that i am hoping to save for next year and possibly start selling the duplicates on etsy... we will see how that goes.
Okay so i need to finish my nutrition paper so i can start knitting this little gem and not feel bad.
I just want to knit now.

I am having a baby!!! 
I can't wait to meet my munchkin!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh Hospital, please stop drawing me back to you

Brutally honest or a big baby?

Okay seriously.  I now know i am a big complainer.  
WAH WAH WAH that is all i do.

I went in for my glucose test today.
You are supposed to fast from 8p.m. the night before until the test is finished.  
Sure, no big deal.
I thought...
So this morning, i am like DROOLING looking at food.
I can't seem to get breakfast foods out of my head.
nom nom nom (as my brother would say)
Mind you that i DON'T eat breakfast, at least not before i was pregnant so this should have been no biggie.
I am pretty sure it's because i knew i couldn't eat that i wanted to so bad.
Anywho, i get to the hospital 
she pricks my finger
makes me drink some grape juice
we wait an hour...
easy as pie right?
nope, not for the drama queen
I passed out
yup, i straight got hot and dizzy and blacked out.
Here is the cute part...
Right when the nurse helps me to a bed and i lie down, my timer goes off telling me an hour has passed and my hour is up.
The nurse back in pricks my finger again and i think i am done.
I whip out my sandwich and start munching while looking for water thinking that i am dehydrated and hungry
I realize that i am going to HAVE to drive myself home and concoct a plan to pull over at the first thought of feeling under the weather again
I ask the nurse if i am free to go and she tells me no.  I still have another hour to go!!!
I regretably inform her that i have now consumed food as i thought this was a one hour test and i was finished.
I'll be back on Tuesday to redo this whole ordeal again.

Another note, here are some symptoms that i "may experience" during this month:
*increased vaginal discharge
*increased constipation
*Nasal Congestion
*Ear stuffiness
*Sensitive gums
*Leg cramps
*Back ache
*Pelvic pressure/achiness
*Swelling of ankles, feets, hands and face
*Varicose veins
*Itchy Abdomen
*Stress incontenence
*Stretch marks
*Shortness of breath
*Difficulty sleeping
*Braxton Hicks
*Increased clumsiness
*Englarged Breasts
*Colostrum (leaking breast milk)
*Increasing absentmindedness
Here is the funny thing about all this.
I have friends who warned me that pregnancy isn't all fun and games,
but when you have baby goggles on,
they plug your ears too!

Oh, and you may be wondering...
"What ever happened with her incredibly embarassing story?  Was that just a one time thing, never to be brought up again?"
Unfortunately for me and my booty that was not a one time thing
In fact, a story similar to that has happened on many an occasion since then
I just have not gone to the hospital again
Until this week.
So it happened 3 times in 3 weeks.
I finally couldn't stand the pain and the utter draining of my energy this often so i asked Nick to take me to the doc as EMBARRASSING as it is.
He asked a series of questions
I explained that i push so hard i throw up
That i have no energy left after or during
That i am drinking water and eating tons of fiber
and lastly that i get the priveledge of using the bathroom once a week.
This is apparently not what he wanted to hear
"ONCE A WEEK" he (and the patient liaison because of course there wasn't just the doc and i there) exclaimed.
I am now on a laxative, oh joy, what am i, 80?

Here i go to get some prune juice...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Craft time!

I had the not so brilliant idea of making my own Boppy Cover.
I then forgot that i need to sew in a zipper and completely shut my little donut...
When i tried to take out some of the seam, i ripped a line right down the front, hence the addition of the "J".  
Oh well, it will match his bedding that i am making.
We will see how that goes!  :)
My onesie that i wanted to make turned into a FRENZY!
7 later... 
Now i am on to labor and delivery crafts.
I ordered two sets of pajamas that i hope will be easy access for breast feeding/learning.

I now would like to make some headbands to go with these outfits so i feel a little cuter in labor... if i don't hurl it across the room!  :)
This flower on a headband...
Here is the tutorial:

I would also like to make some CD's for labor and nursery and finish packing my hospital bag.
Yes, i said finish packing.  
I like to do things a little early... yes i am currently wrapping Christmas presents!
I am a little unorthodox, deal with it :)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Baby Eye Chart

So my Grandma Susie is super excited about Jack's name Jack Thunder.  She shared a verse with me at the baby shower and i really wanted to find a way to use it in the nursery.  I thought of a way... i made an eye chart out of it.  :) 
The verse: "Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice, to the rumbling that comes from his mouth. 3 He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth. 4 After that comes the sound of his roar; he thunders with his majestic voice. When his voice resounds, he holds nothing back. 5 God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding." Job 37: 2-5

Can't wait to show you pictures of the finished nursery... or at least the art wall!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Future Purchases?

How cute are these stickers?
They come in packs for the entire year and stick onto plain onesies for the monthly updates

This one i am thinking i will just make... We will see how that goes.  :)

Another at home craft attempt... again I'll let ya know... lol

I LOVE these...
I want quite a few but how many teethers do i need?
4?  lol :)

Thank you for listening to my shopping dreams...


Okay, so i want to breastfeed yes... but right now??? SERIOUSLY!
I have now been lactating for 2 months... that is right folks since i was only 5 months prego...
I still have 3 months to go and this is seriously getting out of hand.  I am going through LAYERS!
Right now i am sitting at the coffee shop trying to catch up on some homework/get my life in order... and i have to leave because i have now soaked through 4 layers, yes 4! 
This pregnancy thing is SO overrated.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

22-23 Weeks

Baby is the size of a spaghetti Squash

Baby is the size of a large mango
(again, am i crazy thinking that even a large mango is smaller than a banana or carrot... or spaghetti squash?

Baby Quilt

This is grandma helping me figure out what i am doing...
It is hard when my "vision" is in my head. 
This is me ironing my seams for a more finished look... because i do that.
No, Grandma just said i should so i listened.

Here is the finished quiltish blanket for the crib.
I wanted it to look more like the pottery barn quilt than a traditional quilt.
I love it and hopefully baby Jack will too.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Doesn't my baby know he is a white boy?

Okay so i am a little frightened...
We were at a friends house last night, his ipod was playing the whole time we were there but the baby only kicked when eminem was on...
am i growing a white rapper inside of me
please no.

let me just say that to look up a picture to put on this post i typed in "m n' m rapper"
that is how NOT into rap i am...

Sunflower fields

I married a weird one... but i love him!

21 weeks

Our baby is the length of a carrot and 3/4 of a pound.