Thursday, October 28, 2010


for my Christmas baby!
I am on a hat kick at the moment, i have made two apple beanies and 2 pumpkin beanies that i am hoping to save for next year and possibly start selling the duplicates on etsy... we will see how that goes.
Okay so i need to finish my nutrition paper so i can start knitting this little gem and not feel bad.
I just want to knit now.

I am having a baby!!! 
I can't wait to meet my munchkin!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh Hospital, please stop drawing me back to you

Brutally honest or a big baby?

Okay seriously.  I now know i am a big complainer.  
WAH WAH WAH that is all i do.

I went in for my glucose test today.
You are supposed to fast from 8p.m. the night before until the test is finished.  
Sure, no big deal.
I thought...
So this morning, i am like DROOLING looking at food.
I can't seem to get breakfast foods out of my head.
nom nom nom (as my brother would say)
Mind you that i DON'T eat breakfast, at least not before i was pregnant so this should have been no biggie.
I am pretty sure it's because i knew i couldn't eat that i wanted to so bad.
Anywho, i get to the hospital 
she pricks my finger
makes me drink some grape juice
we wait an hour...
easy as pie right?
nope, not for the drama queen
I passed out
yup, i straight got hot and dizzy and blacked out.
Here is the cute part...
Right when the nurse helps me to a bed and i lie down, my timer goes off telling me an hour has passed and my hour is up.
The nurse back in pricks my finger again and i think i am done.
I whip out my sandwich and start munching while looking for water thinking that i am dehydrated and hungry
I realize that i am going to HAVE to drive myself home and concoct a plan to pull over at the first thought of feeling under the weather again
I ask the nurse if i am free to go and she tells me no.  I still have another hour to go!!!
I regretably inform her that i have now consumed food as i thought this was a one hour test and i was finished.
I'll be back on Tuesday to redo this whole ordeal again.

Another note, here are some symptoms that i "may experience" during this month:
*increased vaginal discharge
*increased constipation
*Nasal Congestion
*Ear stuffiness
*Sensitive gums
*Leg cramps
*Back ache
*Pelvic pressure/achiness
*Swelling of ankles, feets, hands and face
*Varicose veins
*Itchy Abdomen
*Stress incontenence
*Stretch marks
*Shortness of breath
*Difficulty sleeping
*Braxton Hicks
*Increased clumsiness
*Englarged Breasts
*Colostrum (leaking breast milk)
*Increasing absentmindedness
Here is the funny thing about all this.
I have friends who warned me that pregnancy isn't all fun and games,
but when you have baby goggles on,
they plug your ears too!

Oh, and you may be wondering...
"What ever happened with her incredibly embarassing story?  Was that just a one time thing, never to be brought up again?"
Unfortunately for me and my booty that was not a one time thing
In fact, a story similar to that has happened on many an occasion since then
I just have not gone to the hospital again
Until this week.
So it happened 3 times in 3 weeks.
I finally couldn't stand the pain and the utter draining of my energy this often so i asked Nick to take me to the doc as EMBARRASSING as it is.
He asked a series of questions
I explained that i push so hard i throw up
That i have no energy left after or during
That i am drinking water and eating tons of fiber
and lastly that i get the priveledge of using the bathroom once a week.
This is apparently not what he wanted to hear
"ONCE A WEEK" he (and the patient liaison because of course there wasn't just the doc and i there) exclaimed.
I am now on a laxative, oh joy, what am i, 80?

Here i go to get some prune juice...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Craft time!

I had the not so brilliant idea of making my own Boppy Cover.
I then forgot that i need to sew in a zipper and completely shut my little donut...
When i tried to take out some of the seam, i ripped a line right down the front, hence the addition of the "J".  
Oh well, it will match his bedding that i am making.
We will see how that goes!  :)
My onesie that i wanted to make turned into a FRENZY!
7 later... 
Now i am on to labor and delivery crafts.
I ordered two sets of pajamas that i hope will be easy access for breast feeding/learning.

I now would like to make some headbands to go with these outfits so i feel a little cuter in labor... if i don't hurl it across the room!  :)
This flower on a headband...
Here is the tutorial:

I would also like to make some CD's for labor and nursery and finish packing my hospital bag.
Yes, i said finish packing.  
I like to do things a little early... yes i am currently wrapping Christmas presents!
I am a little unorthodox, deal with it :)