OOPS a little late...
Dear Jack,
Where does the time go? It seems like yesterday your dad and i were so excited that you would be coming into this world, and now you are not only here playing with me but you are HUGE! This month i called you lantern in front of some people at Church and i am pretty sure they think that is your name :) That makes me giggle. Speaking of giggles, you let out your first one on April 1st! I loved it!
We are still fascinated by your feet and i think we passed that on to you. They seem to be your favorite thing. You play with them constantly, kicking or clapping them together or wiggling your cute little toes.
You try and talk ALL THE TIME. All the time. You sound like a little dinosaur most of the time. Daddy calls you Tyranosaurous-Jack, Jack-asaurus, and Jack-oraptor. Your smile is the best thing in the world. I cannot get enough of it. That and your cheeks which i smooch all the time.
You munch on your hands, both of them are always in fists and in your mouth. You suck on your dad's arm and drool all over it, matting his hair down. :) You can beat anyone in a staring contest, you only seem to blink if you are flirting with your big beautiful eyes.
Mainly i cannot get enough of you my little friend. I love that when you sit against me you lean your head up at me and smile, i love that you look around for me if i am not right in front of you and i love spending all of my time with you.