Saturday, January 1, 2011

One Month Old

Dear Jack,
Today you are one month old.  I can't believe it, the time has flown by.  Even the first week i kept telling myself to cherish every minute with you, i knew it would go by too fast.  I don't take naps when i should because i stay awake staring at you.  I just love you so much.

When we were still at the hospital you were holding your head up and trying to stand, you could do push ups and amazed all of us with your strength.  In your reflex tests you tried to run when they set your feet on the table and after the nurse started singing "Thunder Struck" she said we should sign you up for the New York marathon.  You are just like your daddy.  You amaze us every day.

You were a bit spoiled this month with the arrival of your Nanna, Poppi and uncle Brandon.  They all loved you so much too, so you were always being held, rocked, and talked to.  You had a hard time when they left because mom and dad just couldn't hold you enough to make up for all of their love.

We are fascinated by your feet.  Your daddy says he wants to take them on a date!  :)  You straighten your legs and flex your feet when you eat, you grip our finger with your toes and you point just your big toe.  We love all of it.  And you seem to like the attention paid to your feet.

Your dad always talks to you, he says he loves that you two are so in love, that you are best friends.  He says you are obsessed with him and he is obsessed with you.  I just love watching my two boys interact.

We love you Jack, and are so excited to be your biggest fans for the next 1,387,982 months!

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